Count Down Starts - 16 days to go

Count down Starts - 16 days to go

The seventh season of Game of Thrones is to be premiered on 16th July 2017. It is one of the most anticipated television series of 2017. The season 6 of game of thrones ended on 2016 August and since then the fans have been waiting to see what happens next. It is finally a good news that the wait will be over in 16 more days. The show will kick start at 9 pm IST in HBO and Star World. HBO recently released a new poster for the season 7 which features the Night King. Unlike the posters that HBO has featured a while ago, this poster stands alone as this is the first time the poster of season 7 is featuring an anti-hero. The Night King.


By releasing a poster that features the Night King, HBO has indirectly mentioned that this season will feature the white walkers more prominently. At least lets hope so. The white walkers are still beyond the north wall and with literal collapse of the Knights Watch as Jon Snow returned to Winterfel, we can surely expect a great fight from Walkers and a less strong defense from the Knights Watch.

The story line will gets interesting as Daenerys and her dragons and her mighty army is moving to conquer the seven Kingdoms. The trailer shows the might of dragon and the fight scenes in which we can see her army fighting over. There are also speculations within some fan communities that Daenerys will unite with her Targaryen counterpart ( Jon Snow). If such an incident occur in the season 7, then the show will shifted to a whole new level. Also not to forget Bran is coming back to Winterfel with a mark of Night King.  Arya stark is on the move and Sansa might go against Jon Snow and get acquainted with the little finger.

What ever be the case, an epic is to be unfolded. Some of the fan theories are so interesting that we actually need them in the series. One of them is:
Ned Stark is not dead. Ned is close with the many faced man and the man who got beheaded is someone else who is an epitome of the many faced god. And as per the novel, lady stark will be coming back from the dead as mighty powerful. If this events occur and Ned unite with lady stark and Jon Snow and eventually Daenerys, the pack is going to take down the Lannisters.
 Any way the speculations like this can finally end as the start is near. Yes. The winter is coming and in-fact the Winter is Here!
